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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 4, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PST

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today might be the best day of the week weatherwise. not just because it's friday. a cold start making way to temps in the mid 60s. rain on the weekend. we'll talk about where and when coming up. >> let the good times roll as we give you a live look at the bay bridge. city by the bay on a beautiful, friday, january 4th. this is "today in the bay." it is 5:00. we always appreciate you getting up early with us. thank you very much. i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. four days ago alyssa byrne was waiting to ring in the new year in lake tahoe. that's the last time anyone saw the petaluma teenager and this morning the search for her continues. "today in the bay's" marla tellez joins us in the newsroom this morning with new information investigators are now working with. marla? >> reporter: investigators in lake tahoe are honing in on alyssa byrne's cell phone. they are specifically interested
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in a ping they received from her cell three minutes after midnight new year's day. this morning they are waiting to see where that call or text came from. in the meantime, authorities are searching in and around the horizon hotel where byrne was staying with some friends. the high school grad was in tahoe for a three-day music festival. her friends say she left that concert new year's eve night to go back to a hotel. a friend ran into her in a lobby and said she seemed intoxicated and not herself. officials are reviewing lobby surveillance tape which one of her friends describes. >> basically it just showed her sitting on the couch in the lobby and just getting up and walking away like someone was kind of wanted her to meet her somewhere or something or someone got her to get up and walk away basically. it just looked like, you know, there was a reason why she left. >> reporter: byrne's mother is staying in petaluma surrounded by family and friends holding out hope her daughter will
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surface. her father is in tahoe helping authorities search for her. that search will resume today at daylight. both on the ground and in the air. and also going to resume online. authorities are looking closely at byrne's twitter accounts. i'll have more on that in my next report. we'll also hear from her mother. jon? >> marla, thank you very much. also new this morning, this is a very intriguing story. stanford university researchers may have found what's causing young, healthy athletes to suffer from heart attacks. this was discovered -- they discovered high levels of calcium similar to afflicted athletes. medications restore calcium to normal levels could be one way to treat this condition. scientists have known a genetic mutation is the reason behind abnormal hearts in athletes but they were not sure why the heart muscle was failing. san francisco lawmakers now making some bold moves proposing a new bill to try to protect the
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homeless. democratic assemblyman wants to give the homeless legal permission to solicit money and sleep in public without harassment. this measure is sure to be controversial in cities like sacramento and san francisco where voters have already passed an ordinance against sitting or lying on sidewalks. a follow-up to a story we first broke on wednesday. san jose man accused of taking the law into his own hands has now been officially charged with murder. luis hernandez is accused of shooting and killing christopher soriano on new year's eve. hernandez told police he was frustrated they were not responding to numerous calls for help after a rash of burglaries in an apartment complex. he told police he thought soriano was a serial burglar and tried to make a citizens arrest. the victim's mother is blaming the mayor for police staffing cuts. >> the mayor has to do something about the police force. you need to hire more men. i know budgets and -- cut somewhere else. don't cut the police department.
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we need more officers out there to prevent things like this happening. >> in an e-mail, the mayor said he agrees with the need for more officers on the streets and that the city is currently in the process of training 40 new police recruits. do you like those weekend getaways? starting this weekend no more free parking in one bay area city. police in san francisco will now start cracking down on sunday on all those parking meters. "today in the bay's" christie smith is live in san francisco right now to talk about those money changes at the meters. christie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you know, jon, this is something we have taken for granted here in san francisco because you've been able to park for free on sunday at meters in the city since way back in 1947. that is all going to change starting this weekend. you'll need your credit card, your debit card, your cell phone or even a pocket full of change to go ahead and feed the meter. that according to the municipal
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transportation agency. some church groups in the city complained that they would have to run out during church services and feed the meters but the transit agency has worked on this concern. the meters are only active from noon to 6:00. you can pay four hours at a time. you can even prepay. the idea here, they say, is when the meters started 6 0 plus yeas ago, stores weren't open on sunday but now they are. this will keep up with getting traffic moving and keeping spaces open for people who need them. they say it's not about generating money. >> wherever there's a meter, there will be enforcement on sundays. it's meant to be a program that allows congestion to be relieved, parking to be more available and businesses to thrive because parking is more available for people coming to san francisco to shop. >> reporter: now the meters can go up to $5.75 an hour depending on where you park. that is the high end.
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the wharf and embarcadero will stay the same. seven days a week as they have been. keep in mind that if you're not ready for this, the tickets can run $62 to $72 for an expired meter now on sunday. they are giving you a slight break though. you will only get a warning at least for the first three weeks and then three weeks from now is when you would actually get a ticket. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thank you, christie. it's 5:06. neighbors that live next to flooded san francisquito creek in east palo alto say they want the city to fix it now. constituent council declared a local emergency after recent storms damaged the levee. hoping governor jerry brown will declare a state of emergency bringing much needed money to cover the cost of repairs. a city inspection of the entire length of the creek shows 12 areas in need of immediate help. storms right before christmas caused the water to overflow its
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banks damaging seven homes. >> they should fix the levee. that's the main thing. fix it. >> we have found more serious damages to the levee and to the road and it is a very dangerous situation. >> the city of east palo alto is hoping governor brown will grant their emergency request later today. >> a moment to congratulate everyone at home and congratulate you for making it to friday. it's a beautiful thing here. christina, looks like a nice day. mike, you too. congratulations. >> you know what you get? 42 degrees in san francisco this morning. 35 in napa. temperatures that aren't quite as frigid as yesterday morning. in fact, today actually looks really great for outdoor activities. you might want to take me up on this offer because tomorrow we have rain coming in late. 33 degrees in gilroy. 33 in livermore. 37 in san jose. you will have opportunities to get outdoors this weekend. they will be limited. i'll time you out when it comes
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to that next system coming up in just a minute. stop the clock on future cast this morning for the return of the fog. it will be back this morning. that will keep temperatures overnight a little more on the mild side. you just want to keep this in mind reduced visibility between 7:00 and 9:00 and by 11:00, skies clear. a nice finish to the day. temperatures warming into mid 60s. 63 degrees in santa cruz. area of low pressure starts to arrive as we get closer to sunday. we'll talk more about that. what that means for your household if you will in fact see those showers because not everyone in the bay area will. that's coming up in the next report. let's talk to mike. we never want to leave you out. we love you. >> fresh off that congratulations from jon for making it to friday. that's good stuff. over to the east shore freeway where berkeley moves nicely. this is westbound with those headlights. good spacing between them. we have seen a lighter but we have seen a heavier flow in the last week so things should be standard for a friday through the area. we see that as far as pattern. map shows you the arrow we just saw with headlights.
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commute direction through berkeley and emeryville. over the bridge, the yellow stretch is westbound. upper deck traditional slowing as more folks hit the roadway. not a concern for folks into the city. 880 between the two markers is between 980 and 23rd. overnight road crews restricting flow by one or two lanes at times and 580 clear through oakland. 580 itself through tri-valley and also 880, 680 moving smoothly and arrows marking the commute direction later on in the morning. right now it's even in both directions for this stretch. we'll get a look outside at a live camera showing you the travel across the san mateo bridge to the peninsula and those headlights westbound into foster city. smooth flow here. looking at chp report and i just got something going on in san jose. debris across the highway. i'll give you details coming up in the next report. back to you. thank you very much. 5:09 right now. giants pitcher sergio romo became a fan favorite and now apologizing after he was hands cuffed and detained at a las
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vegas airport. it happened on new year's day. las vegas police say romo got into a heated confrontation with a tsa agent forcing other agents to detain him. he was not arrested but he was issued a citation for violating airport rules. romo issuing a statement now late yesterday reading in part i would like to sincerely apologize. i love and respect the giants, my teammates and our fans and promise to conduct myself in the future in the san francisco giants way. it's 5:10. still ahead, a new film that's up for several awards storing up its fair share of controversy as well. by protesters are speaking out against "zero dark 30." looking to the jobs report. business news just ahead.
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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the los angeles police department claim a pair of officers lured four women into unmarked cars and then forced them to have sex over a five-year period. according to court records, the narcotics officers would allegedly threaten women with jail time and then drive them to secluded areas. two police officers are hurt after two separate shootings. two plain clothes officers were shot in brooklyn while on patrol at a subway station. one officer was shot in the upper thigh and other shot in the back. the suspect was shot and killed when the officers returned fire. an off-duty officer was also shot while working at his family's car dealership in the bronx. in that case the suspected gunman was subdued and arrested. all three officers are expected to survive.
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the u.s. postal service right now is offering a $10,000 reward for anyone that catches a person who stole a mailbox from alameda street. a blue mailbox collection box was reported missing on thursday morning from its location outside of the alameda main post office on shoreline drive. police aren't quite sure when the mail was last collected from that box or when it went missing. anybody who used that box recently is being urged to check their bank and credit statements. mail theft is a federal offense. speaking of federal offenses, the feds say google changes its own search results to benefit itself but the question is there anything wrong with that? it has a lot of people debating google's behavior. >> the feds found the accusations were true. google will at times search shake results or engage in other behavior to encourage you to keep using google services. for instance, you google a street address and the first result is a google map, right?
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the government said we're okay with that deciding there's no harm to consumers. therefore the biggest antitrust accusations against google turned out to not be that big of a deal. in 15 minutes we'll get the latest jobs report from the labor department. brian shactman is live at cnbc world headquarters with a look at today's trading. good morning, brian. >> reporter: scott, good to see you. the dow is slightly lower. s&p is flat. the tech heavy nasdaq is just a little bit positive. everything is really a neutral line. december jobs report is obviously a big deal every single month. we're expecting steady growth. we're not sure if it's going to be one of those big market moving numbers. expectations for growth of about 160,000 jobs created last month and after some preliminary reports earlier in the week there's more optimism. unemployment is expected to be steady at 7.7%.
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the holiday seasonal effects are tough to read. you have weather and you have temp workers for the holidays. u.p.s. hiring workers. we'll get data on the services sector on factory orders. we'll keep an eye on all that. dow fell 29 points. nasdaq lost 11 points. we'll see you in 15 minutes. back to you. >> all right. thank you mu. here's a question. how much is a stapler worth? "wall street journal" found it depends on where you live. the journal went online to to buy a stapler from various locations throughout the united states from staples. found the price depends on the zip code. if you are near a store, the price drops. weirdly, the fancier your neighbor, the more money you make, the lower the price as well. the journal did the same examination on websites for lowe's hardware and a number of others and found the same thing. nothing any store is doing is illegal. there's no law that says you
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have to sell the same thing to everyone for the same price. sometimes you hear prices in hawaii and alaska are higher. this has become a regular thing on websites. what you pay and what i pay even in the city of san jose on some website may be different. >> interesting. okay. jon lives in the swanky part of town -- >> i can't find a stapler in the newsroom. i'm the wrong guy to come to. appreciate it. check the forecast right now with meteorologist christina loren. another cold start. what's on the way? >> a beautiful day shaping up. thanks for waking up with us each and every morning. hope you had an abbreviated workweek. it's friday. a weekend just hours away now. temperatures are going to be comfortable for today and then the rain moves in. i'll time that out. i don't want you to have any weekend plans out there where you don't get caught in this rain or you get caught in the rain when you don't expect it. 33 this morning in livermore. 37 degrees in san jose. so area of low pressure has cut off from the jet stream.
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right now it's just meandering out there in the pacific. looks like what will happen is it will saddle down the coastline but not make its way onshore. the core of low pressure will stay offshore. that means that we'll see light rainfall mostly toward the coast. potentially picking up a quarter of an inch. saturday night into sunday we get our first wave of rain. sunday looks active. we stop the clock at future cast at 2:00 p.m. look at this. showers coming down over the greater bay area. they won't last long. we won't expect a washout of a weekend. if you want to avoid being outdoors, the best time frame is 8:00 p.m. saturday until maybe 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. on sunday. then you can enjoy the 60s. 62 degrees in livermore today. 61 in santa theresa. temperatures will come down but not by that much. the system suspeisn't packing a of cold air. it's packing light precipitation and clouds. it will be murky overhead sunday into monday. tuesday into wednesday,
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temperatures climb up just a little bit. we'll be at 61 degrees on tuesday. showers in the north bay on wednesday. overall relatively dry as the jet stream stays to our north taking that storm track into the pacific northwest. let's check on your drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning. an easy drive right now for the south bay. the yellow on the sensors right now with speeds coming down toward 60s. tipping from green to yellow. very light right now. my own concern is right here. this is southbound 87. south 87 to south 280. basically for both freeways it is counter where your typical morning commute is. reports of debris on the roadway on the connector so chp is heading out there to determine if they have to run a traffic break or if they'll let that break up and if they let it break up, caution through the area. there will be clutter. activity right now south 87 to south 280. we're getting a live look outside of more activity. more cars over in palo alto
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northbound 101 heading past willow and into san mateo and the city. northbound side and southbound side. a pretty even flow of traffic along the peninsula. 280 rarely a problem. same today. with cold temperatures as you pass over by the crystal springs reservoir, watch potential for icy patch here or there if a sprinkle head broke overnight which we have no reports of that. north bay similar situation with cold temperatures. south 101 picking up more cars right here at the curve. no delays novato through san rafael into the golden gate bridge. across the bay bridge look at this. this is from oakland across the s-curve toward the city. smooth drive. at limit for the bridge. 55 across both decks. we do have a crew that's still going on upper deck. should be cleared in 40 minutes from the bridge. so far no slowing. we will send it back to you. >> thank you very much. the captain to abandoned the sinking "costa concordia" in india this week suing the ship's operator for wrongful dismissal. he brought the ship too close to
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the shore but he argues the crews micrew s mishandlings the response. the captain is facing manslaughter charges. the health of venezuelan president hugo chavez appears to have taken a turn for the worse. the president is still suffering from a severe respiratory infection hinderinging his breathing. chavez is set to be sworn in for another term in his office later on this month. if you have been waiting for that new bin laden s.e.a.l. team 6 movie "zero dark 30" it's coming to theaters this weekend. some are not excited about the release condemning the film's plot line saying it falsifies history and justifies torture. led by advocacy group, anti-war
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protesters will be outside of emeryville amc. it shows waterboarding to get information on bin laden but officials say it didn't happen. a rare sight in san francisco. why a little river otter has become a big tourist attraction in the city.
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good friday morning to you. beautiful look at the bay bridge. isn't that beautiful? it's 5:24. san francisco has a rare new attraction that is drawing a lot of crowds. they have become home to that little guy. a river otter. otters used to be plentiful in san francisco but they haven't been seen in decades.
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the new resident has been dubbed sam and he's been there since september. no word on where he came from or if there's a mate on the scene. he's building a nest. >> otters are so underrated. nice to see them getting love out there. we had banana sam. monkey was stolen from the san francisco zoo. maybe a new name for the cute little things out there. mike maybe. i don't know. >> that's a cute name. >> christina loren, beautiful, cute forecast, right? >> it depends on what you're wearing today, jon kelley. good morning to you. we like it. 62 degrees in livermore. 61 in santa theresa. 61 in san jose. basically you can actually dress later on today as if it is spring in the bay area. temperatures this morning certainly cold enough to warrant a jacket and potentially a little bit of patchy frost out there. travel cautiously. let's check on that drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning.
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good note about potential for black ice reported this week already. be careful. right now we're looking at san jose. the issue here is chp updated saying they moved the bigger pieces of wood on the connector to the center divide. smaller pieces and they will let those dissipate. that means they'll let traffic drive over it and splinter it up. if you are heading through the area, slow it down and be careful. watch for larger chunks and expect clutter. right now that's the only issue. south bay itself moving smoothly for the rest of the area. fremont moves nicely into the area as well. south with headlights. north with taillights past the truck scales and heading up toward dumbarton bridge and another bridge, bay bridge. have you heard of it for the commute. easy drive. we're expecting a light friday. enjoy it. come monday and tuesday it will really hit hard with commute again. back to you. >> everybody heading back to work. thank you. still to come on "today in the bay," keep that spare change
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handy up in san francisco. the new parking meter rule that will have you paying a lot more this weekend. the search intensifies for petaluma teenager that vanished on new year's eve. why her friends sensed something was wrong before she disappeared.
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>> something caused her to get up and walk away basically. >> four days and still no sign of alyssa byrne. what friends of the missing petaluma teen saw the night she disappeared. we are moments away from the big-time announcement on the state of the u.s. economy. the labor department just a minute from releasing the december jobs report numbers. and i think you'll like your afternoon numbers. it's frigid out there to start. grab your coat. you'll need your umbrella over the weekend. we'll tell you where and when in your full forecast. you might need to watch out for some wood debris on the roadways. we'll give you the latest on the
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highway affected. you made it to friday morning. the first friday of our january. it's the 4th, 2013. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you. thanks for joining us. it's 5:30. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm jon kelley. that search continues for the 19-year-old petaluma teenager entering day four. alyssa byrne was last seen on new year's eve inside the hotel where she was staying. "today in the bay's" marla tellez is in the newsroom right now with more on the investigation and new details and what they're doing to try and find her. >> reporter: authorities with douglas county sheriff's department are searching on the ground and in the air as we would expect. they are also looking online. turns out alyssa byrne's twitter account could help investigators. here's a look at her last couple
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tweets. sent out december 31st. i can at least tell you what the last couple tweets say. the last day she was seen was december 31st. one of the tweets says after tonight you'll never be a part of my life. you won't be a memory of 2013. a new year. you'll never be a part. you're nothing to me. the last tweet on her twitter account says just lost all my trust in the person i trusted most. byrne was in tahoe for a music festival with friends to ring in the new year. her friends say after the concert new year's eve night, she left to go back to the horizon hotel and casino where she was staying. this was before midnight. in the lobby she ran into a friend who says she seemed either drunk or on drugs just not herself. surveillance tape actually shows her sitting in the lobby and then getting up and walking away and that's the last anyone saw of her. her mother in petaluma is desperate for someone to come forward with information. >> please, have a heart.
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call. please call the number and if you are not comfortable calling that number, then call me. just let us know. all i need is hope. all of us need just one or two more footsteps closer to alyssa. that all we need. one call. please. >> authorities say they are investigating the last ping on her cell phone that came in three minutes after midnight new year's day morning. at this point investigators are not releasing where that call or text came from. the search continues for alyssa byrne for a fourth day in a row. deputies with the douglas county sheriff's department say they'll have an update for everyone at 10:00 this morning. laura? jon? >> marla, sad situation there. a bizarre scene here. the naked sword man is set to appear in court later on today. san jose police were able to manage and avert a potential
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lethal standoff after taking perpetrator bennett into custody. he was armed with a sword and a loaded assault rifle. the 29 year old is suspected of mental health issues and he's right now being evaluated by doctors. another criminal arraignment is set to take place this afternoon. all four murder suspects accused of killing a silicon valley man in monte sereno will appear in court. that crime happened during a home invasion. three men do have prior felony convictions for residential burglary. prosecutors say they intend to seek the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole in this case. just in this morning, the december jobs report just released moments ago. let's go to scott mcgrew. he's in our newsroom. how's it looking? >> reporter: good morning. it's 155,000 jobs added to the american economy this morning. 7.8% is the unemployment rate. this is unchanged from november.
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originally our november number was 7.7%. they revised that upward. we'll call that unchanged. december is a really, really tough time to talk about. you have so many changes to the economy. you have the holidays. you have temporary hiring. you are looking to see if people are trying to get a job but many of them are traveling or spending time with families. so december is one of those months in which it is kind of a wash. again, 155,000 jobs added to the economy. in any other month we would consider that healthy. in december it's kind of fuzzy number. 7.8% on unemployment rate which is technically unchanged from last month. jon and laura? >> thank you for the very latest, scott. >> keep our eye on that one. maybe february will be more accurate read. >> we'll see how it goes. a lot of job seekers out there. 5:34 right now. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning to you. we made it to the weekend.
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we are looking good this morning. it's friday. hope you are looking as forward to the weekend as we are here. 33 degrees in livermore. 37 in san jose. 38 degrees in santa cruz. an off week. temperatures have been running cold. today we're mild. 32 degrees in sonoma. up from 28 degrees at this time yesterday. 38 in petaluma. good morning to you in novato. heading throughout the day we take you to future cast to show you what's to come. we stop the clock at 7:00 a.m. return of the low clouds. that's the case through 9:00 a.m. and then we'll clear you out sunny to finish off the day. as a result look at where your temperatures are headed. we're talking about 60s today. just about everywhere. 62 in gilroy. 61 in san jose. 61 degrees in redwood city. we're not going to hold onto that sunshine all weekend long. showers on the way. i'll continue to time out that next round of rain in my next report. stay tuned for that. 5:35. let's get you to work on a good note. good morning, mike.
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>> good morning. we'll start again with the san jose look at this burst of traffic coming in. this is just before 5:40. early for the first burst but i have a feeling it won't stick around very long. we'll track it any way north 101 at 680 with headlights. map shows you the entire south bay itself showing a light flow of traffic. i circled the area where we had reports of south 87 to south 280. wood across the roadway busted up by a few cars. big pieces off to the center divide but chp says it's not a concern as far as traffic flow so they cleared it from their incident report. keep that note if you head to downtown over the next half hour. meanwhile, a live look outside shows another flow of traffic through palo alto. this is peninsula shot north 101 heading toward willow. a smooth drive with taillights and southbound past university and into the south bay a similar flow of traffic. picking up a few cars and not really a concern along the stretch of roadway. to another shot, this is north bay southbound 101 at the curve picking up more cars here as well. no delays reported from novato
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down through san rafael and to the bridge but up in sonoma county reports of a couch in the roadway. yeah. it's cold out there. probably not anyone sitting on it. whatever the case, just watch it. they'll clear it. >> it's nice up there. >> perhaps. >> 5:37 right now. this sunday will be very different from all previous sundays in san francisco. it's actually the first time in history all of the city's parking meters will be fully operational just like they are monday through friday. "today in the bay's" christie smith live in the city. got your roll of quarters ready, christie? >> reporter: i do. cities like l.a. and chicago already do this. san francisco is finally getting in line. this is the end of an era because this has been going on for 65 years that meters were free on sundays in the city so it will take a little bit of getting used to. fortunately they make it very easy for you to give up your money. you can pay by credit card, debit card, parking card, coin,
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or cell phone. and this is a big change. what's behind it is back in the '40s when this started, businesses weren't open on fridays and now they are. this will keep meters moving and keep spaces open. some religious groups in san francisco are saying wait. at the height of their sunday service people might have to go run out and feed their parking meter. they don't want that to happen. the municipal transportation agency points out meters only run from noon to 6:00. you can pay four hours at a time and you can prepay if you want to. congregations are doing their best to get the word out. those tickets can run 62 to $72. the agency says it's not about money. it's really about making room. >> what we hear is a lot of people don't like coming to san francisco because there's nowhere to park. this will help find parking. what we hear is a lot of people
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in san francisco or people coming to san francisco can't find a place to park on sundays and this parking management program will help there be more availability throughout the city and help merchants because there are places to park around their stores or their commercial areas. >> reporter: technically it starts this sunday but you do have a little bit of breathing room. they are going to give out warnings for the first three sundays and then it actually starts on january 26th. that's when you have an expired meter on a sunday you would get a ticket. there's no exempt area in the city. this is every parking meter. let's say you have starbucks across the street and free on sunday all of them could be parked up all day and you might have a hard time running in to get your cup of coffee. it makes it so the meters keep on moving and everyone has a fair shot to find place to park. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> a lot of people out there in their pajamas sometimes.
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>> a lot of people chasing parking tickets. 4:39 right now. how's this for a weekend getaway. a basketball game that comes with a free hotel room. we'll tell you about the unusual offer santa clara university's basketball coach is putting together to get students back into town for this weekend's big basketball game. a new crop of lawmakers have their work cut out for them on capitol hill. what they're going to try to tackle today.
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now.
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(woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful 5:42. washington's new congress will be dealing with the same old problems. 113th congress has the first full day of work today and they have their work cut out for them. another fiscal cliff just weeks away. "today in the bay's" trace yie potts is live on capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. first they have to deal with getting money to those victims of superstorm sandy.
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national flood insurance running out next week. congress needs to act so today they are expected to approve $9 billion for that to keep those checks flowing. a bigger package they'll look at later in the month. they'll also recount the electoral votes from november's election just as a formality. as you alluded to, the big fight is coming up over the debt ceiling. we're reaching our limit for borrowing again. likely sometime in february around the same time that those budget cuts and defense cuts that were put off kick in yet again. you're right. probably another fiscal cliff. another contentious one because this time republicans are hinting they don't want to talk about allowing america to borrow more until there is serious discussion about how much less we're going to spend. spending cuts are a big mantra here on capitol hill. president obama says he's all for them. republicans say it's not enough and here we go again. >> the arm wrestling continues. tracie potts, we know you'll continue to watch it for us.
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thank you very much. gabrielle giffords is on her way to newtown, connecticut, today. they are expected to attend a private meeting for families of 20 children and six adults killed during a mass shooting at sandy hook elementary school. a spokesperson for the lieutenant governor says they are expected to attend but the couple has not confirmed their appearance. gifford was hurt in a mass shooting in arizona two years ago. the state department says secretary of state hillary clinton is expected to return to work next week after being treated for a blood clot in her head. clinton is resting at home today one day after being released from a new york hospital. doctors found the clot during a follow-up appointment stemming from a concussion. let's check the forecast now. >> that's good news. >> the temperatures, a cold start across the bay area. >> it is. good morning to you. 42 degrees in san francisco. that's not as cold as it was at this time yesterday. so we are actually looking really good for the second half
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of the day. 35 degrees. good morning to you in napa. 38 in sonoma. 34 degrees in novato. showers on the way this weekend. want to make sure you are aware of that before you make those plans. 32 to start in gilroy. 33 degrees in livermore this morning. let's talk about what's to come. jet stream is like a river of air. it carries the low pressure system from west to east across the united states. basically like a conveyer belt. the cutoff low breaks away from the jet stream so it's hard to tell where it will go. it does nothing to move it forward. what we think is it will slide down the coastline. throughout late saturday into sunday we're going to get our next rain. most of the heavy rain will stay offshore. this is what we're talking about. 4:00 p.m. we stop the clock on future cast. light to moderate showers over the greater bay area. we stop the clock again at 5:00 a.m. on sunday. mostly clear conditions. another wave of some light rain as we head throughout sunday afternoon. opportunities to get outdoors will not be too heavy and not a washout of a weekend. just want to keep you aware of that. probably not a great idea to
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wash that car until after sunday. 62 degrees in livermore for today. good morning in san jose. 61 degrees. happy friday. and as we get through the weekend, temperatures are going to come down a touch. we'll climb right back up monday into tuesday. a few showers in the north bay on wednesday. and then thursday that sun comes up. bright sunshine. 55 degrees. you'll need your spf 30. we'll stay mostly dry next week as well. let's talk to mike about how the drive is shaping up on a friday. >> it's a friday. lighter flow of traffic but also it's been vacation for about a week and a half for a lot of people. not all of us here. i did get a couple days. i thank you for that. over to the bay bridge, easy flow of traffic. we probably won't see metering lights on for very long since they've been on for an hour the last couple days. we'll track the backup starting to form in a couple cash lanes on either side of right and left of fastrak lanes. map shows no slowing coming into the area. this is east shore freeway eastbound 80. 24 and 880 in commute direction moving nicely. east 24 over toward the
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caldecott we do have slowing showing up and that's typical as you head into the single eastbound bore but volume not a concern but folks are taking it easy. it just changed. realtime sensors getting into the city is a smooth flow of traffic as well. fremont west 80 getting off the bridge. one lane blocked by a road crew overnight. that's about it. in the city early this morning fourth and townsend by the caltrains station. there was an accident. a crash took out a power pole there but they restored power 20 minutes later. no interruption to service for caltrain and no problems for employees heading there you're okay getting there. vta and b.a.r.t. no troubles reported. options for rails along the bay. slowing into livermore and pleasanton but light volume through tri-valley as expected for a friday. south 880 no problems and into fremont we look at the volume here. picking up a few more cars southbound with headlights past
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tesla. no slowing for the nimitz. back to you. the head basketball coach of santa clara university putting his money where his team is. the coach taking a very unique approach trying to juice up attendance for this weekend's big game. here's the deal. he's willing to pay for hotel rooms for students. >> it's energy. it's all about energy. >> an empty arena not a good thing. since the dorms don't open until sunday, the coach is offering to pay a hundred bucks for a hotel room for kids who can't get into their dorms. he says this is all part of a strategy just to win, baby. >> team energy is at a high level right now. the only way it can increase outside of what we do internally is have external facts or on our side elevated. you have home games. you have these home games and work hard to get the home games. second time in three years we've had 19 home games on our schedule. need to take advantage of that.
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>> clearly the coach saving his energy for the ball game. they are red hot right now. broncos hosting powerhouse gonzaga this weekend. they are 12-3 this year. game saturday night in what will likely now be a packed arena. an era of dominance on the football field could come to an end. it appears the coach is stepping down following his team's fourth straight state championship. the school isn't confirming the speculation but there is a news conference today to discuss the future of football. he has 399 wins under his belt as head coach and he's held that post since 1979. >> that's what you call a sparkling record. i tell you what. get ready for an nfl playoff game to be different in wisconsin. a lot of volunteers out there shoveling snow from the stands at lambeau field on thursday. clearing the way for saturday's game against those rival
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vikings. heating coils will keep the snow from accumulating on that playoff surface there at the frozen tundra. it does take good old fashioned hard work to clear out the stands. hundreds of people there volunteering to help because they love their packers. shovellers must be at least 15 years old, have a strong back and you'll get paid ten bucks an hour. not a bad deal. help out the team. feel like you really -- >> dedicated fan to sit there. >> in green bay they'll sit through anything. >> i guess so. they do. 5:50 right now. a bachelor's degree for just a fraction of the cost. quite a deal. we'll tell you about the pilot program being floated in sacramento that could actually help california students save money. look, i have laura's iphone. what's on it? we'll show you. yes, we will. ahead in gadget friday.
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welcome back. good friday morning to you. 10,000 bucks for a college degree? no catch. it's a proposal from an assembly member. the republican is proposing a program in which high schools, community colleges and csu system would join forces to offer science and engineering students a bachelor degree with 18 months at a cost of $10,000. participating students would start earning college credit in high school through advanced placement courses. the bill calls for launching a pilot program in the areas of chico, long beach. >> have you ever had a problem holding up that big phone there?
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trying to take pictures. >> not really. >> we haven't either. scott mcgrew says he's not sure what the problem is with this week's gadget friday and what it solves. >> this is the hemirror case. you can take photos in a more natural position. there's a mirror on the front for your iphone. now, the more we played with it, the more we realized it was kind of creepy. it comes with an app that allows you to take pictures without the camera click when you take that photograph and then a quick swipe of the screen turns it off. if someone asks you what you were doing you could quickly say nothing. the idea is you hold the phone in a natural position as if you are checking your stocks but really you're taking pictures. it's also super bulky so as a gadget we'll give this one a bad grade. it's worth talking about because it's worth look out for. if you see this and someone is -- they may actually be
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taking a picture. >> i think it is creepy. >> and also you can't hold the picture like this because -- you could if you were taking a picture over there. limited usefulness and some creepiness. >> watch for that. we also noticed if you turn on the flashlight, it can take pictures in the dark without people knowing. >> again for convenience. >> right. >> our creepy gadget of the week. >> all right. 5:57. let's check in with christina loren for find out what kind of weather we're looking at. >> that's not my first rodeo. good morning to you. we've seen that before. 33 degrees in livermore. 37 in san jose this morning and 36 in sunnyvale. more clouds overhead. that will make for a pretty sunrise this morning around 7:30 and it's also tracking in warmth from yesterday. no 20s on the map. exchanged 20s and 30s for 30s
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and 40s. 42 degrees this morning in san francisco. as we head through noon today, what clouds do develop and move onshore this morning will clear quickly. 48 degrees. still cold enough for a jacket at noon. you can peel it off at 4:00 p.m. inland today. 61 degrees. 61 bayside and at the coast 60 degrees for you. places like santa cruz are slated to hit 63. it will be a great day to get outdoors tomorrow not looking as good. rain on the way. we'll time it out and tell you when the worst part of the storm is expected to hit. 5:56. let's look at your drive with mike first. >> good morning. we'll look at the bay bridge to start. we're seeing a good number of cars come through the area. for friday a typical build. the last couple weeks have not been typical. we'll look at the map and show you there's no slowing through the toll plaza but you saw a good number of cars in the live shot and slowing as far as sensors go. speeds down into 55 area which they should across the upper deck. that's where it is yellow over toward treasure island.
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another concern here, we saw slowing eastbound single bore through the caldecott tunnel. no incidents but typical flow. westbound at old tunnel road approaching the tunnel we have reports of a stall in the slow lane and folks say they are swerving to avoid this vehicle. chp will have to head out there and help. we'll end with a slow note for the caldecott. back to you. >> thanks, mike. still ahead on "today in the bay," the search for a missing petaluma girl growing more desperate. the new details we are learning about the night she disappeared. that and more next.
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please, please have a heart. call. please call. just let us know. all i need is hope. all of us need is just one or two more footsteps closer to


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